Are you interested in history and the Schengen area? If so, you are in the right place because I am taking you to visit the Schengen museum...
Yes! Schengen is not only a treaty but also a municipality! So, you can find the commune of Schengen in the extreme south-east of Luxembourg, near the Germany-France-Luxembourg tripoint. Maybe you know it but the locality is mainly known because of the Schengen agreement established in 1985 and the Schengen Convention which was signed there in 1990. To learn more about this part of history, I decided to visit the city museum (just next to the Moselle) dedicated to the Schengen treaty and its origin.
The Germany-France-Luxembourg tripoint
Before the signing of the Schengen Agreements, third-country nationals wishing to travel to a European country had to apply for a visa at the consulates of the countries concerned. So it was a long (and expensive) process!
The Schengen visa
After the Schengen Agreements and therefore the disappearance of internal borders between member countries, new rules have been created to lighten the process for short-term visas (visas valid for up to three months). This new visa, called visa Schengen, encompasses the 26 members countries of the EU.
In one sentence: the Schengen space has been created to allow freedom of movements "for everyone". That is to say, for citizens of the European countries but also for citizens of third countries who travel with a Schengen visa.
Fun fact: the idea of a borderless area in Europe was born during a dinner between the French president François Mitterand and the German chancellor Helmut Kohl! Afterwards, the governments of both countries decided to open their borders between France and Germany. This idea enthusiasmed the Benelux (Belgium, the Netherlands and Luxembourg) countries and thus, they joined the project. However, the idea wasn't new beacuse inside the Benelux area, the principle of free movement of persons already existed!
Quickly, a conference between these countries is organized to implement a "border-free area in Europe". And, as the Luxembourg was, at this time, in charge of the presidency of the Benelux, it proposed the village of Schengen to do the signature ceremony of the agreement. But, why Schengen, you ask me? Simply, because Schengen has a symbolic character as it is located at the intersection of France, Germany and the Benelux countries. To underline the aspect of a border-free area, it had been decided to sign the agreement on board of the "MS Princesse Marie-Astrid", a passenger ship, on the Moselle.
"MS Princesse Marie-Astrid", the passenger ship where has been signed the Schengen Agreements
The purpose of the Schengen Agreements of June 14, 1985 was to delete internal borders between members countries but the Schengen Convention (to set up this space without borders) was signed five years later, in 1990, on 19 June. The aim of this last treaty is to assure a unique area of security and justice after the elimination of the internal borders. Finally, both international agreements are called "the Schengen Agreements" and entered into force in 1995.
Today, the Schengen area counts 27 countries and along them only 4 which are not part of the European Union (notably Norway, Iceland, Switzerland and Liechtenstein).
The Schengen area in 1985 (blue) and in 1997 (orange-yellow)
Signing the Schengen Agreement does not mean that it will enter into force immediately! For instance, Cyprus signed the agreement in 2003 and it has still not entered into force for certain reasons (partition of the island). Same for Romania and Bulgaria which signed the Agreement in 2005. To sum up, 4 countries do not belong to the Schengen area: Cyprus, Romania, Bulgaria and Ireland.
Of course, I can't forget to speak about the case of Ireland and the United Kingdom which have negociated an "opt-out" (that is to say to choose not to participate in something) of the Schengen area. So, it means they continue to realize controls at the borders with other members states of the European Union.
In conclusion, the Schengen area offers the possibility for people to travel more easily thanks to the removal of internal borders between the member countries that have chosen to join the agreement. And, if you wish to learn more about Schengen and its agreements, I recommend you to visit this symbolic village and its museum in Luxembourg!